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Tara Laurel Joy—

Tara Laurel Joy
Artist: Tara Laurel Joy
Track: Number One
Single: Number One

Tara Laurel Joy’s single, Number One, is a deeply emotional tribute addressing the pain of losing a loved one. It was written by Tara and produced by Steve Vertigan (Soggy Dog Recording).

With a soothing melody and deeply emotional lyrics, the song reflects a personal healing process of grief. It evokes both nostalgia and hope, reminding listeners that while a loved one may be gone, the depth of their impact and the love you experienced together will continue to live on in your heart.

“I hope Number One brings a little comfort, a few smiles, and maybe even a tear or two (happy tears)—and remember, you are Number One!,” says Tara.

Website: Tara Laurel Joy

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